Wednesday, March 23, 2011

25 days of out Boston!

Where to begin?  I signed up for my first marathon-Wineglass-on a total whim and training was brutal(strained soleus, 4 blackened/absent toe nails, blisters, and mental break downs).  The only expectation I had for this marathon was to finish it, maybe around 4 hours, and to never run another again.  3:40:13 later, it was official that this would not be my last marathon.  I had qualified for the Boston Marathon! Which leads to the last 16 weeks of, dare I say "pretty great training runs"?

Mile 26.1
This was the first year of training throughout the winter, and let me tell you, this winter has not been so kind.  Aside from the terrible conditions, I've met a great group of gals and have had some very good runs! It's amazing how running 20 plus miles with good company, does not seem so bad!  GO LADY WARRIORS!

Approaching my last long run this weekend before tapering.  This is also the highest milage week in my running career: 82 miles......IF I complete the milage for Thursday-Sunday. Looking forward to working back to 40-50 miles a week!  As for Boston, I'm running for the experience. However, with all of this training, increased strength and speed, I'm hoping to beat my first AND last time =)  In the meantime, I'm just enjoying the ride....


  1. I love your face and I'm so incredibly proud of you! You are truly an amazing person both inside and out! What a wonderful and supportive friend I have! Wou are a great mother and a great wife and I am so incredibly lucky to have you in my life! Good lick my friend, the Warricks are rooting for you!

  2. Thanks, Jenny! I'm very grateful to have you as such an incredible friend as well! You can track my run here:
