Saturday, March 26, 2011

Last long run... Time to TAPER!

What a week!  My youngest daughter, Londyn turned 3 this past week. As you can imagine, we've been busy with birthday festivities. Add a running schedule of 82 miles for the week and top that off with getting sick with another upper respiratory virus mid week. Lovely!  After raiding the medicine cabinet, the runny nose/cough combo seemed to subside enough to get in my last long run with Michele this morning.

I've been hitting between 18-22 miles for the last six weeks so I knew I could make it. However, with a runny nose and hellacious cough, the plan was to run a slow, easy 22 miler on a course that simulated Boston.  Michele's husband, Greg, was kind enough to drop us off in Caton this morning around 10 a.m.. From there, we ventured down Hendy Creek Road 9 miles to connect to Church Street.  First 11 miles felt okay, but from running on the side of Hendy Creek and the rolling down hills, my hips were achy. 

We hit Hoffman Street and the lovely wind kicked in. Uphill, uneven ground and sore hips. There were two dogs roaming free and into traffic. I turned back to Michele because I couldn't watch either of them possibly be hit by a car. Feeling a hot mess at this point. Luckily we stopped at the intersection up by the prison. Bent over to stretch..."pop, pop". Felt as if my hips were unaligned and popped back into place.  Continued running to Mobile, so Michele could replenish her water supply in her Camelbak. People leave some filthy things along the side of the road. A tampon...really?  Eww so gross!  Back down Oakwood and up to Hoffman we traveled.  I started falling apart. I hurt, my breathing was off, couldn't find my stride, and I just wanted it to end.  There were a few miles were I was running a 9m/m pace. Felt as though I had nothing left to push so at mile 13, I hit a Mandarin Orange GU.

Before heading out, Michele and I agreed that we would run all the way up Wall Street around mile 17. Wall Street is very similar to Heartbreak Hill on the Boston course, according to Greg, who's run Boston previously. Just the thought of having to run up another hill turned my stomach, but I knew this was "the" run to do it. I approach Wall Street and gave it everything I had. Much to my surprise, it was much easier that I had anticipated, maybe because I've run Beckwith Road so many times before.  Although it seemed to go on forever, I cruised up at a nice 8:30 pace. Once I reached the top an overwhelming feeling of accomplishment hit me.  If I could just do that, with the way that I felt today during my run, I will do just fine in Boston. 

While heading back, Michele(wearing a green jacket) and I had separated. The last three miles felt like a breeze after running up Wall Street.  Bumped up the pace to 8:12 and took off. This is where is began to get weird.  I'm not sure if my polarized glasses were screwing with my vision or if I began to hallucinate. I 'thought' I was approaching Michele while running down Water Street, towards her house. However, once I reached this image in which I thought was Michele, it was actually someones shrub hahahah! Couldn't help but laugh at myself and at that point, I looked down to turn my Garmin off and realized I had run 22.34 miles... 

I'm ecstatic that the long runs are done!  Boston is quickly approaching and I've never felt so confident about a race as I do this one!  If anyone comes across any Expresso Love GU's, please let me know!!!!


  1. Good Job and congrats on finishing the last long run! You are going to be amazing in Boston!

  2. Wow, what a run! Congrats on achieving all of that; you will be awesome in Boston!

  3. Thanks ladies! I'm getting very excited for Boston. Ask me next week and I'm sure the anxiety will have kicked in =)
